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Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Eye contact - expert level


  1. he is definitely gay, duh

  2. Why wear a top at all? Is she afraid of offending muslims with bare arms?

    1. No it don't offend Muslims or anyone for that matter, to see your slutty sisters and your whore mother bare naked. Half of the time your mothers don't know who your daddy is due to them not being able to keep their legs closed. You should know about that first hand, you basted :)

    2. Muslims wont be offended, they have no idea what their wives/mothers or sisters look like, they only complain because they are deemed as the bad guys in movies like star wars..wear a Bhurka and become Darth vadar.

    3. How can you offend someone who after centuries of inbreeding, marrying sisters, cousins and children their gene pool is so muddled their half retarded and have deep seeded psychological disorders . They are pedophiles and rapist who are quick to judge you by their ass backwards religion "cult", while their jerking off to this photo, all our hot women and our American way! Oh, and anonymous learn how to spell!

    4. Your life is so pathetic if you offend religion, this pic is funny n nuffin to do with religion, this pic to make you laugh, in this world there are so many races, if God created only american, life would be soooo freakin borring, dude! Thank God, He knows what to do so life would not be that borring esp with narrow minded people like you!

  3. haha left picture, bottom right, in for a grope

  4. now that is what I call beautiful

  5. The first words out of my mouth would be...Is this a test?


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